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Karuna Ahmad
THE HINDU PERSONALITY IN EDUCATION: TAGORE, GANDHI AND AUROBINDO by William Cenkner Manohar Books,New Delhi, 1977, 230 pp., 50.00
March-April 1977, volume 2, No 3/4

Studies on the national movement and the movements for social reform during the nineteenth and twentieth cen­turies have often dwelt on the influence of western liberal thought on Indian leaders who spearheaded those move­ments. As most of those leaders were educated in the western tradition, it has commonly been held that they drew ins­piration from the West and that expos­ure to western education was crucial in shaping their outlook. Cenkner disputes this familiar view. He contends that the principle of interiority, a rediscovery of the spiritual within life, which served as the basis of regeneration in all the past golden ages, brought forth the renaiss­ance.

Cenkner tries to substantiate his contention through a study of the edu­cational philosophies of three leaders of the Indian renaissance, namely, Tagore, Gandhi and Aurobindo. The choice of these three personalities, argues Cenkner, was governed by the fact that they shar­ed certain similarities. First, they had been strongly influenced by religion which shaped not only their philosophy of life but also their actions.

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