Andal Jagannathan
HELLO EARTH…HERE WE COME by Nita Ganguly Red Turtle / Rupa Publications, 2017, 30 pp., 295
November 2017, volume 41, No 11

As you flip open the colourful book, Hello Earth…Here We Come, a sentence on the inner cover page grips your attention. It says, ‘The moral right of the author has been asserted!’ Intrigued you move on and get introduced to two alien beings, Een and Ali, who call out earth dwellers on their callousness in their treatment of the planet. Nita Ganguly, the author, gives a much-needed message to children in her book which is low on words but high on eye-catching illustrations. She uses Een and Ali as the mouthpiece to pass on a message about how the bountiful planet earth is being slowly killed by those who inhabit it.

The book highlights different kinds of pollution and the causes, and unsustainable activities such as indiscriminate tree cutting. It throws light on the huge problem of garbage that all cities and towns, all over the world are grappling with.

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